domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Reflection about Cognitive Surplus

My personal reflection about this video is that humans were created for be active, that`s why we are the only species capable of thinking and making decisions,this is what we make us be different from others creatures. Unfortunately, some things like lazyness make us be pasive and just consumers in our free time, this means huge losses not only of time, but also represents losses of our potentialities and qualities and the opportunities to improve our lifes and our world. Using our free time to make productive things that impels us to create knowledge and ideas and share those things with others, we are contribuing not only for our own development, but also for society development.

I have to say that this video make me reflect and analyze about my activities and how I spend my free time. Sincerely and unfortunately, I used to be a primarily consumer, most of the times when I was free I spent my time watching tv or sleeping. Now I am trying to be a producer instead of consumer in my free time, by doing productive activities like: reading books, playing my cello, etc. Also, I am more conscious about what I am doing in my social action in the Cooperativa Detodas, I feel good thinking about that on my free time that I have on Saturdays I spend training the socias and of course, contribuing with my society.

3 comentarios:

  1. I am glad that this video made you reflect on how you spend your free time, and that you can see that you are much more productive now than you were before. How is reading a productive activity? What do you do with what you learn while reading? What do you do with your cello talents?

  2. Reading is a productive activity because is an effective way to learn more aabout different topics and to develop many habilities. Also, what I learn by reading I can reflect about it and share it with others, that's why it is a productive activity.

    My cello talents make me acquire others skills as capacity of concentration, motricity, etc. Also, I share, specially with my family, my cello talents every time that I play the cello infront of them. And they love it !!

  3. I think that our difference with other species... is that we have the capacity of TEACH to others the things that we learn!
    And thats why we have to take advantage of that!
    In ours blogs, we are teaching, sharing and showing a lot of things! what it means that we are producing
